Monday, January 31, 2005

Feeling insecure and wondering...

Wondering am i a good friend?? Maybe cos i am not the kind who will definitely rise up to it when u need me? For eg maybe when u need to sell bash tix and i may not defintiely buy it from u just for the sake of helping u. Or maybe when u are playing a game and i wont definitely come all the way down to support u??Does these mean i am a bad fren? So if this is the case, am i not entitled to have my own requests from frens? But how about the times when i went down to support the other frens even though it meanti had to go all alone. Maybe this ihg period is so sucky cos i cant a find someone who has the same schedule as me and wishes to go down and support too. I hate going places when everybody knows everybody else and i do not have any close frens around. Frens who will be with me and not socialise like nobody's business. Ok i am getting agtiated here but then i think i have been trying to surpress this feeling for god knows when. So if u are reading this and u feel something, do drop me a note to let me know i still have frens around for me who cares.

I guess no matter how independent someone is, they always need a fren somewhere, sometime.

Shall we dance?

Watched this movie yesterday with quan. Really really very very good. It is so beautifully plotted. It portrays the essence of love, the courage to dream, the gracefulness of dancing and there is even humor. I absolutely love it. I must say catch it if u haven't. This movie absoultely makes me feel like waltzing with my loved one right there right now. Shall we dance, Mr Yeo?

Ps: Just realised that today is our special day and i am so glad we shared the magic of this movie together.