Feeling insecure and wondering...
Wondering am i a good friend?? Maybe cos i am not the kind who will definitely rise up to it when u need me? For eg maybe when u need to sell bash tix and i may not defintiely buy it from u just for the sake of helping u. Or maybe when u are playing a game and i wont definitely come all the way down to support u??Does these mean i am a bad fren? So if this is the case, am i not entitled to have my own requests from frens? But how about the times when i went down to support the other frens even though it meanti had to go all alone. Maybe this ihg period is so sucky cos i cant a find someone who has the same schedule as me and wishes to go down and support too. I hate going places when everybody knows everybody else and i do not have any close frens around. Frens who will be with me and not socialise like nobody's business. Ok i am getting agtiated here but then i think i have been trying to surpress this feeling for god knows when. So if u are reading this and u feel something, do drop me a note to let me know i still have frens around for me who cares.I guess no matter how independent someone is, they always need a fren somewhere, sometime.