Super busy

Haha have been neglecting my wonderful blog for like almost 3 mths cos i have just been terribly busy!! Argghhhh i shul have not been such a smart aleck and taken 6 modules (courses) this semester. It is not so much about tests but rather projects and projects and more PROJECTS and of course all those silly little weekly homework assignments.. And on top of all the five pojects i got, there is this MEGA super duper Final Yr Proj that alone is enough to drive anyone crazy.. Haha it is a wonder how i managed to survive these couple of mths BUT at least this sem is coming to an end in less than 2mths and i will only have to focus on finishing up my FYP in Dec. Haha FYP alone i can take it . In actual fact i think i do enjoy FYP. I must be sadistic. hehe anyway i have some random picts that i took during this semester. Oh and in case you didnt notice from the picts .. hehe i have taken out my braces .. chio chio liao!!!
Anyway, Sandy, i am really excited to meet up with u in NOV !!! Its been like a yr........