My happy day- missed a 3hr lecture in exchange but it was worth it!

Apparent failure - Splash!

Bridge testing- the first pro civil engineers test out their bridge over a river
Alien invasion.Poor innoncent 'girl' victimised
I like this pict! Reminds me of Eusoff Dnd 04/05 haha me and my sweet fairy
Me and mabel drinking to our hearts content. haha we are beer junkies.. yar right.. beer not even ours
Carol, oli and me - all relaxed and expecting some goofy entertainment
A pretty sight
As i walked to class today, around me the wind swept the flower petals off the ground up in swirls and blew them off the trees. Such a natural and simple thing yet it filled me with emotion. Happy at the pretty sight yet sad cos i know that it could very possibly be the very last time i see such a pretty sight. But no matter what, i am glad that in my life i have a memory of this pretty sight. And maybe just maybe it will not be the last time i see it.
I miss home yet i dont want to leave NZ. Such a mix up. Make up your mind !!